Thoughts from the conductor: “Glass’s project which he started in the mid-1970s is not so much an essay in Minimalism as a search for the way beyond it. This recording represents the moment at which Glass – like other minimalists – felt the need to adopt more chromatic harmony within the framework of repetition …”
A fascinating portrayal of rhythm supported by melody and harmony only made possible by the heroic performance of the organist and the conductor’s superbly well prepared choir.Choir of the 21st Century
Christopher Bowers-Broadbent – Organ
Howard Williams – Conductor
A most noteworthy recording, sung, played and conducted in an exemplary fashion – superb sound engineering and musical producing.
On This Recording
- Another Look at Harmony, Part 4: Opening Section: Choral plainchant in minims
- Another Look at Harmony, Part 4: Choral plainchant elaborated with quaver movement
- Another Look at Harmony, Part 4: Harmonic and rhythmic exploration, leading to -
- Another Look at Harmony, Part 4: Oscillating and repeated chords; then new melodic line added
- Another Look at Harmony, Part 4: Organ interlude on C pedal with gentle cross-rhythyms
- Another Look at Harmony, Part 4: Choral re-entry in repeated sequences with organ obligato
- Another Look at Harmony, Part 4: Final Section: Choir and organ with shifting harmonic roots