The duo have won First Prizes and awards including the RTZ-CRA Ensemble Prize in the Royal Overseas League Competition, London. “Two-piano playing of sparkling vivacity and undoubted sensitivity from this young prizewinning duo” (Gramophone).
Jennifer Micallef, Glen Inanga – Piano Duo
“On they came – smart, supercool, unflappable, not a page of printed music in sight – powering through a set of two-piano compositions with staggering virtuosity. An amazing experience”. Glasgow Herald
On This Recording
- Introduction et Allegro: Introduction et Allegro (version for 2 pianos)
- Rapsodie espagnole: I. Prelude a la nuit
- Rapsodie espagnole: II. Malagueña
- Rapsodie espagnole: III. Habanera
- Rapsodie espagnole: IV. Feria
- Sites auriculaires: Sites auriculaires: Entre cloches
- Ma mere l'Oye (Mother Goose): I. Pavane de la belle au bois dormant (Pavane of Beauty Sleeping in the Wood)
- Ma mere l'Oye (Mother Goose): II. Petit poucet (Tom Thumb)
- Ma mere l'Oye (Mother Goose): III. Laideronette, Imperatrice des pagodes (Laideronette, Empress of the Pagodas)
- Ma mere l'Oye (Mother Goose): IV. Les entretiens de la belle et de la bete (The Conversations of Beauty and the Beast)
- Ma mere l'Oye (Mother Goose): V. Le jardin feerique (The Fairy Garden)
- Sheherazade, Ouverture de feerie: Sheherazade, Ouverture de feerie (arr. for 2 pianos)
- Frontispice
- La valse: La valse (version for 2 pianos)