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Archive for Gramophone Editor’s Choice

George Szell and the Cleveland Orchestra – The Forgotten Recordings a Gramophone Editor’s Choice!

George Szell and the Cleveland Orchestra — The Forgotten Recordings is a Gramophone Magazine Editor’s Choice for Re-issues/Archives in the June 2021 issue: “newly released in an expert Lani Spahr transfer by SOMM as part of a two-disc programme of Szell/Clevland recordings… Two items could as well serve as benchmark examples of Szell’s art, Smetana’s […]

Kathleen Ferrier in New York is a Gramophone Editor’s Choice!

Gramophone Magazine names Kathleen Ferrier In New York the February 2020 Reissue/Archive Editor’s Choice! “A treasure, to be sure. Four years before Bruno Walter’s celebrated, indeed classic Vienna recording (1952) with Kathleen Ferrier, the man who conducted the world premiere of Mahler’s pantheistic symphony with voices takes his newest discovery from the Edinburgh Festival to […]

Private Passions a Gramophone Editor’s Choice!

“First recordings of two sets of piano pieces by Arnold Bax and Harriet Cohen (his charismatic muse and lover) adorn this latest helping of home-grown fare from the excellent Mark Bebbington. Cohen’s four Russian Impressions prove a charming find, the first two especially winning Bax’s approval. Bebbington lends them atmospheric and deftly affectionate advocacy, as he […]