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BBC Music Magazine Names Peter Donohoe’s Mozart Sonatas The Recording of the Month!

BBC Music Magazine Recording of the Month! “Blowing the cobwebs off Mozart Sonatas”

“[Peter Donohoe] appears to take early Beethoven as his interpretative trajectory with a gloves-off spontaneity that imbues these magical scores with a compelling vitality and freshness. Donohoe’s radiant cantabile — captured to perfection by producer Siva Oke and engineer Paul Arden-Taylor — illuminates event the most workaday of sequential passage-work. It’s underpinned by an uninhibited left hand that ensures the storm unleashed briefly by Mozart, as the development section of K280’s finale gets underway, lacks nothing in physical impact. … Most strikingly of all, Donohoe unashamedly claims these enchanting scores for the concert hall, blowing clean out of the water any sense of delicate inspiration designed for the intimacy of the drawing room. … Donohoe’s uncluttered simplicity of vision also avoids any sense of over-thinking. … Donohoe thinks instinctively in long, singing phrases. It was high time someone blew the cobwebs off this still under-appreciated repertoire, and Donohoe is clearly the person to do it.”

—Julian Haylock, BBC Music Magazine ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Performance and Recording

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