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International Piano Magazine Reviews Peter Donohoe’s Stravinsky

International Piano Magazine gives a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review to Peter Donohoe and his Stravinsky: Music for Piano Solo and Piano and Orchestra recording:

“Peter Donohoe has a way with Russian piano music, as recent, highly esteemed recordings of Shostakovich, Scriabin and Prokofiev (SOMM) confirm. Here he proves that he is adept with the most mercurial of them all, Stravinsky, in a 2-CD set comprising nearly all the major works for piano solo. … Donohoe’s Russian credentials shine in the Scriabinesque Études (1908) and Sonata in F-sharp minor (1903-4), where the fledgling composer’s ambition overreached his ability at the time. Donohoe shapes the sonata’s structure particularly impressive. His touch is as sure in the 1924 Sonata, its beguiling neoclassicism carrying the listener forward in a perfect balance of form, drive and content. … A splendid and engrossing issue.”

International Piano Magazine