Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence

Textura Magazine Features African Pianism

“No one would seem to be better equipped to present the music of African composers Akin Euba, Ayo Bankole, Christian Onyeji, David Earl, Fred Onovwerosuoke, J. H. Kwabena Nketia, and Nabil Benabdeljalil than Rebeca Omordia.… Omordia has created something truly special. Not only does she bring attention to figures whose names might be new to many a Western listener, she also presents a compelling argument on behalf of the classical music originating from their homeland, especially when so much of it entices for its distinctive melodic quality, rhythmic drive, and folk-influenced tone. A number of world premiere recordings appear, and adding to the release’s appeal percussionist Abdelkader Saadoun joins the pianist on two tracks. The seventy-seven-minute collection, her solo debut for SOMM Recordings, casts a potent spell indeed. …Omordia delivers each unerringly and with conviction and concerted attention to detail. The handsomely presented release is further enhanced by Robert Matthew-Walker’s detailed booklet notes, which bring clarifying context and historical background to the composers and their material. As illuminating as the info is, however, it’s ultimately the remarkable music and Omordia’s sterling realization thereof that most recommends the release.”

—Ron Schepper, Textura

See the full review in Textura Magazine!
