The British Music Society reviews the Chapel Choir of the Royal Hospital Chelsea’s new recording in memory of the centenary anniversary of the end of the First World War, In Remembrance:
“This issue marks the 100th anniversary of the end of the first World War in a highly appropriate and imaginative fashion. … the professional chapel choir are augmented by the Chelsea Pensioners’ Choir who have clearly been trained to sing accurately and richly in their singing of ‘Jerusalem’, ‘I vow to thee, my country’ and that wonderful old sob fest ‘O valiant hearts’ which is sung with unusual vigour… latter works are sung with distinction by the chapel choir, with expert organ accompaniments from James Orford and Hugh Rowlands. Director William Vann’s view of the music is unerringly sympathetic, and the generous acoustic of London’s Temple Church ensures that this is a recording to cherish”
See the full review in the November 2018 issue
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