Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence

Musical Opinion Gives Peter Donohoe Five Stars for His Mozart Piano Sonatas, Vol. 2

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review for Mozart Piano Sonatas Vol. 2

“[Mozart’s Piano Sontatas] contain much great music, works of genius in many ways, and they demand an experienced artist of no little musical insight and technique to demonstrate their quality. Thankfully, in Peter Donohoe, SOMM has found an ideal interpreter, on whose structural command and expressive insight, combined with a superlative technique and innate mastery of Mozart’s language. These performances are, in many ways, superiour to those recorded many years ago by Barenboim for EMI – the recording quality is outstanding. This series deserves the widest success: when finished, if this standard is maintained (and one has no reason to doubt it will be) then no finer accounts of these still neglected masterworks will have been offered to the public.”

—Robert Matthew-Walker, Musical Opinion