Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence

Nathan Williamson’s Colour and Light an International Piano Album of the Month

Colour and Light is an International Piano August Album of the Month!

“Nathan Williamson’s Colour and Light is a memorably enterprising programme of British piano music performed with unwavering commitment and intensity, including a first recording of Anthony Herschel Hill’s Litany and Toccata. … [which] contrasts a ‘spiritual, trnascendent world’ with trailblazing brilliance… No praise could be high enough of Williamson’s performances, where, as in his previous discs of Brahms, Schubert and American piano music his conviction is palpable, making you long to hear more. Whether in the dream-world of the Delius Nocturne or in the fire and ice of the Herschel Hill Toccata, Williamson unearths musical treasure beyond price.”

International Piano, August 2019