Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence

La vie d’une rose a Lebrecht Album of the Week

Norman Lebrecht names La vie d’une rose: Songs of Massenet his “Album of the Week”!

“It’s not just the sparkle she brings to Massenet’s somewhat timeworn drawing-room songs — though that alone is worth the price of admission — it’s the slightly-knowing false-innocence that she injects into numbers like Passionément and Souhait. Sally sings like someone who knows the meaning of life and the value of each moment. The mezzo Christine Tocci, who joins in several duets, gives as good as she gets. Why go to see a Massenet opera when the small stuff is so good, and so concise? … This is perfect fare for a summer’s night.”

—Norman Lebrecht, Ludwig van Toronto

See the full review at Ludwig-Van.com